2023 Year In Review

2023 Year in Review

GTA's Office of Digital Services & Solutions partners with state agencies and elected officials to deliver information and services. In 2023, the scope of our work expanded beyond digital services to include overall product strategy for GTA, as well as leading the governance of AI.

A mockup of the georgia.gov homepage shown on a phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop computer.


2023 GovHub YiR

We continued to expand the GovHub footprint in 2023, onboarding new agencies and releasing the most significant redesign to the platform in four years. GovHub, Georgia’s digital publishing platform, powers 80+ sites and is more secure and user-focused than ever.

GTA manages the state’s flagship website, Georgia.gov, which showcases GovHub’s capabilities and provides a starting point for Georgians on their quest for services and information. Users initiated more than 11 million sessions on Georgia.gov in 2023, which represents a slight decline from the past few years where high profile elections and Covid-19 drove extraordinary traffic.

Our state agency partners, whether GovHub subscribers or not, are supported with tools and training that results in improved digital practices, which contributes to better efficiency and trust in government services. The Georgia Analytics Program offers a data-rich dashboard that allows state agencies to measure their website’s performance in mission-critical categories such as SEO, content quality, and accessibility.

2023 GovHub Related Stats

In 2023, we:

  • Assisted 60 state organizations with 846 issues through our Support Desk, providing high-quality customer service with a 4.9 out of 5 stars feedback rating.
  • Hosted our annual GOVTalks event, welcoming 80 attendees from more than 50 state organizations. 
  • Trained 108 content editors through our Learning Management System on topics such as how to use GovHub or Siteimprove, how to measure KPIs, and how to use new product features.

GDC Quote

"The redesigned and restructured content has already started providing excellent customer service, saving time and effort for countless citizens of Georgia.”

Rao Manekar
Web Services Manager
GA Dept. of Corrections

A screenshots comparing the previous design theme to the updated "Bloom" theme.
Screenshot with the text "Secure Your Account" and a blurred QR code.

Security Enhancements

  • Multi-factor Authentication
    All GovHub users must sign in with multi-factor authentication to increase the security of state information. 

  • Web Application Firewall
    The web application firewall on GovHub continued to thwart attacks and ensure that sites stayed online, blocking as many as 10 million malicious requests per month.

Two browser windows, one showing the Georgia Department of Corrections website, and the other showing the Georgia All-Payer Claims Database website.

Orchard Beta Launch

The Orchard Design System ensures brand cohesion across the entire user experience. It offers accessibility-compliant code and styles that developers can use in non-GovHub applications.

Shawna Mercer Quote

"Teamwork makes the dream work! A huge kudos to your team for making it happen."

Shawna Mercer
Director of Communications
Georgia Department of Labor

Artificial Intelligence

Establishing an AI Program

To champion responsible and ethical deployment of AI in state government operations, the new AI program will provide oversight on AI policy formulation and implementation, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability.

2023 AI YiR

The most talked about emerging technology of 2023 was generative AI and the myriad ways it will impact and augment the work of state government. We established a cross-agency task force, led by the Chief Digital and AI Officer, to champion responsible and ethical deployment of AI in government operations, providing policy formulation and ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability.

By December 2023, we published foundational AI policies and standards, and have begun full-scale efforts to audit AI usage across state government and establish a Center of Excellence to collaborate with peers on AI management and oversight.

AI Summit

A day-long summit on AI brought together leaders in the public and private sector to explore of the current state and future trajectory of this emerging technology. Attendees represented more than 70 state and local organizations, 6 states, 8 cities, and 5 universities.

Product Management

2023 Product Management YiR

Upon absorbing product management for GTA, we conducted a sweeping review of every product and service offered by GTA in an effort to plot roadmaps for each legacy and future endeavor. We also created a product ordering template that can be used by customer service managers to standardize requests by agencies.

2023 Product Management Work

In 2023, we created:

  • Product Landscapes
    Building an enterprise landscape gives the state a clear understanding of all the services and products that GTA offers.
  • Product Profiles
    Product profiles will assist internal team members and customers alike with a full view on where the product stands currently, why it is being offered, and how it is being delivered. 
  • Product Roadmaps
    To move forward responsibly and guide us in strategic planning, 6-month roadmaps were created for relevant products under the Unisys and AT&T contract and for in-house products built by DevOps.
  • PRICE Model
    Implementation of the PRICE Model strategically prioritizes and categorizes all enterprise products.
  • Cloud Training
    Through our partner Technical College System of Georgia, 20 students from state organizations got upskilled on cloud operations and development by taking semester-long courses. Our partnership with AWS saw 185 students taking 10 multi-day classes to learn cloud essentials.
Photo of a table with product marketing materials and a GTA tablecloth.

Product Portfolios

“Ready for Use” documentation helps GTA make sound business decisions for all products and services. This includes historical artifacts, sales and marketing materials, and financial information.

Sean Martin Quote

"[Your team's] hard work has made Georgia a better place. Y'all have always been a pleasure to deal with."

Sean Martin
Senior Systems Analyst
GA Bureau of Investigations