Case Studies

People face a number of challenges when trying to navigate government websites in Georgia. Our case studies show how we identify and solve these issues. With every redesign, upgrade, and consultation, we help Georgians access the government services they need, easier and faster than before.


Unlike other digital destinations, users don’t often come to government sites to “hang around.” In fact, analytics revealed that 1 of 5 users came to in a moment of crisis — looking for emergency assistance, getting a restraining order, applying for unemployment, etc. So, how could we deliver information to them as quickly as possible?

Structured Content and Flexible Layouts

Editors say they want flexibility when creating content and landing pages, but this leads to a lack of consistency. Content is difficult to re-use. Your target audiences may be confused or ignored. But what if you could have flexible layouts and structured content?

Chatbots Provide Timely Support

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic created a sudden and unprecedented need for timely and accurate information. By providing a way to get answers to the most frequently asked questions, the chatbot could free up time to handle more complex issues.

Uncovering the Need For an Improved User Experience

With a large and complex website, DOR asked us to conduct a usability study that would help them better understand their users’ needs and to suggest improvements based on our findings.