Digital Accessibility in Georgia

Top Priority

Working with our partners at AccessGA and Georgia's ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator's Office, we offer accessibility audits. We use automated and manual testing methods to detect and evaluate a range of platforms, browsers, and devices your constituents use.

Digital Accessibility in Georgia

Digital accessibility refers to the practice of designing and offering content that can be used by anyone, without barriers. All Georgia state agencies must meet the state's established accessibility standards for digital content.

Among many things, our accessibility audits check:

  • Color contrast and screen space
    Color contrast on a site or mobile device is essential for those with low vision. We test color combinations for ease of use. We evaluate light differences between foreground and background, examine the screen space, and check for extraneous graphics that may make your content look too "busy" for those with special vision needs.
  • Functionality for screen readers and keyboards
    Screen readers convert text into synthesized speech. Contrary to how most people use a visual interface, screen readers present content linearly — one item at a time. As part of our accessibility testing, we ensure your site is optimized for screen readers.
  • Font legibility
    The right font style and size contribute to accessibility and good screen legibility. Generally, for websites and other digital devices, sans-serif fonts (e.g., Arial, Verdana) are considered more legible than serif fonts (Times New Roman). We also test font size and consistency.
  • Best practices for link text, images, multimedia, and code
    Using alternative text (Alt text) for graphics and applying transcripts to video is standard for accessible digital content. We also check for code integrity for screen readers.
  • Content readability (semantic markup, clear language, etc.)
    We check written content for simple language, scannability, and spacing. Shorter, more concise sentences work better for those with cognitive impairments and are more user-friendly for everyone.

Stay in Compliance

Use Siteimprove To Maintain Compliance

All GovHub agencies become automatic Georgia Analytics Program (GAP) members. GAP membership provides access to the Siteimprove tool, which identifies issues and offers recommendations to improve accessibility. This video offers guidance and instruction to use the tool effectively.