Data Visualization

Why Visual Data?

In an age of instant information, people command data that is brief and to-the-point. As a state agency, this means you have limited time to win and retain your audience’s attention. Web users understand and retain information better when they can visualize data.

Ready to tell your agency's story with data visualization?

Make an Impact

Data Visualization Intro

Data visualization is a graphical way of presenting data. It helps people see the big picture in a single glance. As data becomes more visual, citizens expect to see information presented in a way that is clear and efficient. Visual communication, especially in digital government, is essential to stimulate interest and engagement.

Present Professional-Looking Charts, Graphs, and Maps

Our data visualization solutions are a great way to share meaningful data with your internal team, people who use your services, and the general public. Take complex data and make it easy to understand. Share information with professional-looking graphics on your website without requiring readers to download boring PDFs.

Share What You Want — How You Want

Data Visualization Tool Overview

Our data visualization tool is flexible, allowing you to share your data sets with the public in various formats. You control who sees what. Easily update data when you need to. Allow visitors to download charts, maps, and graphs as PDFs, get the raw data, or share the data.

Get Training and Support

The Drupal-based service has an intuitive interface, making the learning curve quick and painless. Because it’s hosted on our platform, you have access to all the training and support you need.

Data Visualization is Made Easy on GovHub

  • SaaS based solution — nothing to download
  • Intuitive interface — small learning curve
  • Responsive design
  • Centralized and controlled environment to share data
  • Dataset and datastore driven components
  • MySQL
  • Parsed data using .xls, .csv, or GeoJSON

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