PSG Number: GM-14-005
Topical Area: Web Design and Development
Issue Date: 11/1/2013
Effective Date: 11/1/2013
Updated: 10/5/2015
Document Type: Guideline; Published (approved by Web Standards Group and GTA)
POC for Changes: Interactive
Synopsis: Social media guidelines for video sharing for State of Georgia agencies.

4.4.0 Introduction

There are many reasons your agency may want to post videos online, and many options for how to post those videos. Multimedia can make for compelling content that gets information to the public in an interesting way, and how-to videos and audio can help to improve customer service.

Some agencies choose to host their videos on their own web servers, but we recommend utilizing a video sharing service for these purposes instead. We will focus on YouTube for its popularity, but these guidelines broadly apply to any video sharing services.

For more technical information on multimedia and tips on creating videos, see 2.2 Multimedia Guidelines.

4.4.1 Benefits of Video Sharing

  • Saves money when you host video on a shared space rather than on internal servers
  • Allows for effective and far-reaching methods for education and training.
  • Provides opportunities for viral engagement - people in your network can help you share your message.
  • Helps search engine optimization for your agency sites.
  • Video sharing services automatically convert videos to different formats to make them available on numerous platforms.
  • Less technical experience is needed

4.4.2 Strategies for Video Sharing

  • Before creating a video, it is important to assess your needs and be realistic about whether your message will be best served as a video (rather than as simple text on your website, or as a graphic, etc.)
    • Will a busy person find watching the video valuable?
    • Will it have strong visual and audio elements?
    • Does it provide value to the viewer?
    • Will it be watched by enough people to be worth the effort?
  • Consider whether a video sharing campaign is sustainable. Do you have the resources to make videos on a routine basis?
  • If you can launch a sustainable campaign, plan a schedule for your videos in the same way you’d plan an editorial calendar for your blog.
  • Create a YouTube Channel for your content. From there you can control the playlists, provide profile information, and display comments.
  • Adjust your settings to only allow approved comments. Determine your policy on comments, and assign a moderator to deal with inappropriate comments. (See 4.1.4 “Managing Comments” in the Blogs section for more tips on commenting policies).
  • Be prepared to write and upload a transcript of the video for accessibility purposes. (For more information on video accessibility, refer to section 1.2, Accessibility Standards.)
  • Be sure to tag your videos with relevant keywords to help people find your content.
  • If you opt to use a micro-video sharing service, like Vine or Instagram, make sure you take into consideration the looping effect of your video (you don’t want your end word or phrase to connect with your first word or phrase creating something inappropriate)

4.4.3 Privacy

Anyone who can be identified in your video (even in the background) must sign a video release form giving permission for their likeness to be in your video. Children under 18 cannot appear in a video without their parents’ consent. DigitalGov provides some great guidelines to help avoid getting sued.

4.4.4 Authenticity

  • Link to your .gov site from your video account profile.
  • Link to your video channel from your .gov website.
  • Embed videos from your channel into your .gov website.
  • Use your official logo or trademark as your profile photo.
  • Put your agency logo at the opening or closing of each video, or include a small overlay of your logo in the bottom right corner of your videos.
  • Claim authenticity in your profile.

4.4.5 Examples

4.4.6 Resources