January 27, 2020
Your Site Has Deployed. Now What?

We’ve talked about it for what feels like years, worked on it for months and now, Digital Services Georgia (DSGa) is nearly finished migrating the websites of more than 80 agencies to GovHub, the state’s new digital publishing system.
During that time, we’ve hosted breakout sessions at GOVTalks 2019, asked agency content contributors to conduct audits, collaborated with DSGa representatives on redesigning home pages, and attended training sessions about the new digital publishing system.
Congratulations! You made it to GovHub!
Now the real work begins.
Collaborate With a DSGa Consultant
When you trade in for a new car, the new design and new color can be exciting and fun. But it also takes some time to learn how to turn on the wipers or tune into your favorite radio stations.
For those agencies who have migrated, we know it will take some time to understand what has changed from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 and how it will affect your everyday actions.
The next time you’re ready to publish new content, which of the content types will you use? Should you use Location or Event? What’s the difference between a Contact and a Bio? Will you try to apply one of the many Micro-Content types now available?
We’ve discussed why we use wireframes and how that applies to your website, but now that content creators can design and build new landing pages, how will these pages best work for you?
Your DSGa consultant has the answers to these questions and more can be answered during training sessions. If you’re dealing with an issue now, open a Support ticket for assistance.
Training To Be Your Best
DSGa holds training sessions for all levels of contributors:
Our Editor’s Training is for anyone new to GovHub and provides an overview on the basics.
Our Advanced Editor’s Training is for content managers who will be frequently working on their agency’s website.
The State Certified Content Workshop is a six-session hands-on course designed to improve writing, content strategy, and best practices for accessibility.
DSGa is now offering site-specific consultation for any and all agencies who have recently migrated to GovHub.
Join Us on This Journey
We have a monthly newsletter devoted to migration news. Developing this new digital publishing system has been, and continues to be, an agile process. In partnership with Lullabot, we’re creating, testing, deploying, and learning in an iterative process to build an excellent digital publishing system for the state. Stay informed on the changes and improvements being made by subscribing to the newsletter.
Your feedback on this process is welcomed and encouraged. We want to know about your experience using GovHub — if it’s working well, and how it can be better. Contact your migration consultant with your feedback or open a support ticket if you have any questions.
This migration to GovHub is not a closed two- to three- month project with DSGa, but the start of a continuous and productive process to improve the delivery of, and access to, government services and information to Georgians. Thank you for partnering with us and we look forward to walking with you on this journey.