October 28, 2014

Accessibility Snapshots: The Importance of Web Accessibility

AMAC Accessibility Solutions is launching a series of Accessibility Snapshots with the goal of offering tips, advice, or personal experience from Assistive Technology (AT) users and experts in the accessibility field. Our first short video is from John Rempel on the importance of accessible websites.

John is an AT Specialist with the Center for the Visually Impaired in Atlanta. Having a vision impairment himself, he understands firsthand the nuances and complexities of usability and accessibility. He is also certified as an Orientation & Mobility Specialist and Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, and has written extensively for AFB's AccessWorld.

Check out John's video as he discusses the barriers that inaccessible websites pose and demonstrates several tools that he finds useful.

Next month we’ll be hosting our fourth semi-annual GOVTalks event with GOVTalks: Accessibility. If you are a beginner looking to learn more or a Priority 3 expert in the field of accessibility, I highly encourage you to attend the conference. Subject matter experts from AMAC Accessibility Solutions will be speaking at the event, and provide a hands-on workshop that will have everyone creating accessible websites and documents for all users.

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