October 20, 2021

New Beginnings for Georgia Trauma Commission

We are excited to welcome our newest state organization, Georgia Trauma Commission, to GovHub. The Trauma Commission connects the state’s network of trauma centers. They oversee the flow of funds from various grants and programs for improvement of the entire Georgia trauma system.

The Trauma Commission connects the state’s network of trauma centers. They oversee the flow of funds from various grants and programs for improvement of the entire Georgia trauma system.

Joining GovHub gave them the opportunity to address some known issues they had with their previous website. They told us that key information on the site was hard to find. Staff struggled with adding new pages and content, which affected their ability to provide timely reminders about funding or grants. Content about Commission-associated events, such as training and board meetings, didn’t have a home where users could reliably find it.

Aligning Site Goals with Business Goals

We worked in close collaboration with the Trauma Commission team, and after several discovery sessions, we identified 4 priorities for their GovHub site:

Georgia Trauma Commission

The Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission coordinates the best use of existing trauma facilities and directs patients to the best available facility for treatment of traumatic injury.

  1. Design a user-friendly site with simplified content.
  2. Be recognizable as a state entity.
  3. Make grants and programs the centerpiece.
  4. Build the site so it can scale up to include future expansion.

From there, we mapped out a plan to create a site that provides solutions to their top priorities. 

Designed For Users

Trauma Commission subcommittee members are a primary audience for the site. They need to easily retrieve information about budgets, events, available grants and meeting minutes. Their former site made this difficult, displaying events in a calendar format but sometimes in the wrong order.

GovHub’s taxonomy system solves this problem by giving site managers an easy way to tag and display content. By using the automatic list feature with specific terms such as EMS Grants, Meeting, Education, and Events, we made content more findable for users, ideally within two clicks or less.

The list of Events in GovHub updates automatically and sorts by date.
The list of Events in GovHub updates automatically and sorts by date.

Content Front and Center

We dedicated an entire block on the homepage to available grants and programs, making it easy to locate all the necessary information and application forms.

The Trauma Commission’s key service includes allocating funds through grants and programs. The old site lacked the ability to provide timely reminders about available grants and did not promote them adequately. This meant money intended for trauma care didn’t always reach its target efficiently.

This had to change, so we brought it to the forefront of the site. We dedicated an entire block on the homepage to available grants and programs, making it easy to locate all the necessary information and application forms. Our research showed the “Stop the Bleed” program brought many users to the site, so we put it in the hard-to-miss hero spot on the homepage and included a call-to-action button. Also, the Commission now can use GovHub’s Alert feature to display a banner at the top of one or all of the pages to draw attention to submission deadlines or other important information.

It's Official!

The pillars logo next to the agency name and consistent design theme lets users know the site is legit and part of the state of Georgia government family.
The pillars logo & consistent design lets users know the site is part of the state of Georgia government family.

Georgia Trauma Commission wanted to be quickly identifiable as a trusted state government site. By joining the GovHub platform, a site is given the “georgia.gov” domain, indicating it is part of our ecosystem. The digital seal next to the agency name and consistent design theme lets users know the site is legit and part of the state of Georgia government family.

Grow With Ease

Having the means to easily grow and expand the site, especially the subcommittee pages, was important for the Trauma Commission team. GovHub is a scalable and versatile platform; agencies are able to expand their site on their own without having to call on developers. As always, we trained the Trauma Commission team on how to manage their new site, and we’re available to help through our Support Desk.

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